Tuesday, May 26, 2009

5/26 WOD


1 Round =
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

5 rounds, 3 minutes of rest between rounds.

I was actually pretty excited to see this one - no running! Plus, I had done it before so I could get a sense of where I was fitness wise from 2 months ago. But for some reason I didn't feel great and afterwards felt absolutely horrible. Throbbing head, queasy stomach, spent. I think I coulda puked if I had the energy. The only saving grace is that my ROM was better this time on the pullups and squats - so that likely played a role in the suffering (but not all of it).

Round 1 - 4:58 (previous 4:46)
Round 2 - 5:11 (previous 4:54)
Round 3 - 6:13 (previous 6:33 - finally a faster time!)
Round 4 - 8:12 (previous 7:57)
Round 5 - 8:31 (previous 7:59)

Total work time - 33:05 (previous 32:09) Note total time unfortunately doesn't include 3 minute breaks... :(

Oh well, off days happen. Thank you rest day tomorrow.

The newbs were back at it - the 2 days off is stretching itself - was 3 now 4. They're trying, but it can be frustrating when they can give 12 hours/day to work but can't give their health 30 minutes. Oh well, enough preaching. They were here and worked. Did a scaled Barbara for them:

5 Rounds
- 5 beginner pullups
- 10 elevated pushups (parallettes)
- 15 situps (assisted)
- 20 squats (used rope to get better ROM)
3 minutes of rest between each round

Had a little timing snafu, but got all of their times except for round 2.

Unelastigirl: 2:00 - ??? - 1:39 - 1:36 - 1:37 (probably can scale up next time)
TWay: 2:50 - ??? - 2:31 - 2:56 - 2:57

Some good work there. Introduced the beginner pullup to them and got a lot more depth on the squats. I would say that is some progress. Good work!

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