Thursday, May 21, 2009

5/21 WOD


Two rounds, of each couplet, for time of:
750 meter Row
20 Handstand Push-ups

115 pound Thruster, 20 reps
20 L-Pull-ups

At some point in a lot of men's dreams, the idea of twins is quite appealing. Double your pleasure (and then they woke up). Well, these twins have no appeal whatsoever. Double the pain. Holy crap, whose idea was it to do thrusters right after handstand push-ups? Are you kidding me?!!!

Scaled the thrusters to 89# after a couple of attempts, first at 109#, and then 99#. Not sure if I could've gone much heavier than what I did. Also, my legs were bent for the L-pull-ups. Same position for the handstand pushups as before (55" barbell, hands 14" away).

27:50 (12:15 for the first twin, 15:35 for the second twin)

And the newbs were back in the gym for their 5th day - this completes two weeks for them. A little more focus this time - not so much yapping. Did a scaled version of J.T. for them (first one done on 5/7):


Push Press (8# db's)
Box Dips (24"/18")
Push ups (knees/hip bent/parallettes)

Amazing improvement in just two weeks:

Unelastigirl - 12:05 then, 7:00 now
TWay - 12:28 then, 8:08 now

Some dang good stuff. If we can keep the momentum going these two are going to get into shape! Great work! Little do they know that it doesn't get easier, you just go faster (and lift heavier weights)...

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