Wednesday, September 29, 2010

09/29 WOD

Toes to Bar
Kettlebell Swings @ 1.5pood (53#)

Well, today was supposed to be a rest day - however, my friend, apparently not thrilled by the fact that I crushed her on yesterday's WOD, threw down a challenge. I am not one to back down from a challenge. It was game on despite this WOD being horrible following a tough cycle that included palm ripping pullups and then high volume deadlifts.

I was trying to figure out in my head how long this would take. I thought 6 minutes was plausible but not likely (1 minute for each set of 10 T2B's and KB's). The time was set - 7:14 was her time (she did scale the KB swings to 25 vs. 35 for women). I did full RX'd so I will take that thank you very much.

My grip and forearms failed me on this WOD - too many re-grips needed to get the T2B's done. KB swings were done pretty easily in sets of 10 with very brief breaks in between. I think with full grip capability I could hit the 6 minute mark. But this time no way... 8:17

I say it is a draw on this one since I was fully RX'd and she wasn't... :)

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