Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spicoli starting the CF...

Here's my first sucker, err, I mean trainee, err I mean disciple... Whatever - he is the first one to take me up on the offer. He has committed to Tuesday and Thursdays. The expectation is that he works out on his own the other 2 days of his choosing.

A little history on Mr. Spicoli - limited to no activity for about three years. Broke ankle in snowboard accident and then broke leg in a motorcycle accident (hit by car). All this while obtaining MBA. Obviously little time for anything else - oh yeah, don't forget family time. Probably didn't do his PT as religiously as he should have. Ankle still has some restricted range.

So starting out light, easing him back into action.

First week:

5 mins. jump rope
15 negative pull-ups
15 KB swings 18#
15 push-ups
15 step ups 18" box (per leg)
15 Abmat situps
15 wall ball 10# - 10' target
15 negative pull-ups
Right around 10 mins.

2nd workout that first week was the same but swapped 5 mins. of jump rope with 5 mins. of rowing. Time was similar, just at about 10 mins.

Second week:

The Filthy 10 (scaled Filthy 50)

For time:
10 Box jump, 24 inch box
10 Jumping pull-ups
10 Kettlebell swings, 18#
Walking Lunge, 10 steps
10 Knees to elbows (on floor)
10 Push press, 45 pounds
10 Back extensions (on Abmat)
10 Wall ball shots, 10 pound ball
10 Burpees
10 Double unders

10:52. Good start. He definitely worked harder (although is still a slacker on the warm up on the rowing machine). Work schedule mucked up with the 2nd workout of the week. Will push him a bit harder week 3.

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