Saturday, March 14, 2009

New to CrossFit... here are some WOD baseline times

So this whole CrossFit scene is somewhat new to me - I created some workouts on my own after being inspired by the 300 workout (which at one point I did sub-20 minutes - not bad for a mountain biker). But then I stumbled onto the site and am now hooked. And am trying to get others on board (a slow process but I think it will happen). I'm spending March setting some baseline times for different WODs (Workout of the Day). In April I will follow the program as identified on the CF site. I'm finding out that I've definitely have some weak areas that used to be pretty good (shoulder press related is the worst now - not sure what happened as I used to be able to knock out 15 or so handstand pushups - can't seem to muster even one now).

My times:
300 - 3/2 - 24:19 (I know, not a true CrossFit workout and apparently somewhat controversial in the CF scene but it is a good measure for me since I know my better times - and had I not seen the movie I wouldn't have found CF so I'm cool with it. Not the greatest movie in the world but cool to see the shape the actors got in)
Fran - 3/5 - 9:29
Fight Gone Bad - 3/7 - 244
Filthy 50 - 3/9 - 33:13 (did the extensions wrong - on Abmat, did the knees to elbows wrong, on floor - time definitely would've been slower)
CrossFit Total - 3/11 - 110# push press, 255# back squat, 295# deadlift - 660# total
Cindy - 3/12 - 15 rounds (19:15)

Link to the WOD girl workouts

So not horrible but then again I have a long ways to go. I'm hoping to be very consistent with the program vs. go crazy and then flame out. We'll see if it can hold my attention for the long haul. So far it looks pretty good. The variation is fun and I've always enjoyed lifting weights.

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