Thursday, April 15, 2010

04/15 WOD

Taking a rest day for me, the arms are still screaming at me from Erin. Dayamn, straightening them out requires some effort. I think my hang power cleans must have been more like jumping bicep curls or something. Wow.

CBK and HEG were in tonight and I gave them the option of two workouts. The choices:

#1 - 10 mins AMRAP, 15 burpees, 10 squats
#2 - 3 rounds, 10 deadlifts (weight TBD) and 25 tuck jumps

They thought #1 was going to be easier so they chose that (well, CBK did - HEG wanted to modify and sorta combine the two somehow. Uh, sorry, no.)

Burpees suck. And they got a chance to find that out. They did burpees to knee pushups. HEG had some counting issues and then mixed up the different numbers. So not sure her count, so we'll give a guesstimate. I'm going to call it 4 full rounds + 12 burpees. CBK was pushing uber-hard and was sweating like a dawg. Almost did the faceplant pushup (those who know, know). 5 full rounds + 12 burpees.

Another excellent job!

T-Way and Unelastigirl were in as well and after whining about not being able to figure out the clean move, were given Fight Gone Bad. Just two rounds however as they did a fair amount of pre-work.

Wall ball with a basketball to 9' (will be getting a 6# ball), SDHP w/18# KB, box jump @ 12" step ups, push press 20#.

T-Way - 70+120m row, 75+100m row
Unelastigirl - 86+150m row, 87+185m row

They worked hard and did a great job! Excellent effort.


  1. Killer work out. Loved it!!!-CBK

  2. Yes, it was! I was at the emergency room last night from extreme pain in my right shoulder! I was there from 11:00pm until 4:00am. They gave me a very high narcotic to ease the pain into my bum! All it did was make feel like I was floating on a cloud! Pain was still intense! They took xrays so my bones look good.... But I am going to see specialist hopefully on Monday to get a MRI to look for a tear in my muscle! I am on oxycodone for pain but does not help! Ice pack 20 minutes 4x day and a sling for my arm to help with comfort... Comfort, NOT!! Guess I will have to wait on my Crossfit training for a couple week until I get the clear from Dr....... UGH, this sucks ;(. In Hella pain HEG!
