Monday, April 5, 2010

04/05 WOD

"Tabata Something Else"

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Okay, so a friend of mine did this and got pretty darn close to my PR (he did 344). So after he soundly thrashed me at the bike race on Saturday, I had to redeem myself. I did some calculations and devised a way to reach 400, which would be a PR for me by 48. Big jump. Here was the plan:

64 pullups, 100 pushups, 100 situps, 136 squats

Well, hadn't planned on not making the pushups and situps. The pullups were too easy - I should've built in more padding there just in case. I did 8 pullups per round with 10 on the last. Probably should've done 10 per round. Would've brought my score up 14 pullups! Dayamn.

Anyhow, didn't reach the goal, but hit a new PR at 375 (+23).

66 pull-ups (+10)
87 push-ups (+4)
86 sit-ups (+2)
136 squats (+7)
375 total

56 pull-ups
83 push-ups
84 sit-ups
129 squats
352 total

The old newbs are back in the gym too after a LONG hiatus. Basically starting off from scratch if not farther. Doing the CF on-ramp program.

200m run
Squat-pushup-body row
200m run

Have learned a lot since they were first in so was able to get them to do much better squats with the assistance of the squat rack and holding the uprights. Will be doing it this way for a bit to get that form down. Good start though! Pushups were mixed knees on the ground and knees to a bench. Limited ROM. Body rows were on the squat rack and really were more beginner pull-ups. The run is actually right at about 180m. Glad to see them back and they seemed motivated. Pushing hard for them to go Paleo too. I think they'll see big results fast if they do... :)

Unelastigirl - 7:55
T-Way - 10:46

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