Tuesday, April 6, 2010

04/06 WOD

Crazy azz day in the gym today.

Back Squat: 7, 5, 5 Rest 180sec between sets
Power Clean: 5, 5, 3, 3, Rest 180sec between sets
Press: 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, Rest 180sec between sets
Rest 5-10 min.
4 x 20:10 Row for Calories

So I rowed 500m and did CFWUx2 and some shoulder mobility stuff. Had to guesstimate on the weights for this, although I know my shoulder press (and it is weak).

BS: 185-205-210 (probably could've gone a little more weight on the 5 reps - excellent depth, definitely ATG)
PC: 115-120-143-158 (did squat cleans first two sets before I realized I was supposed to do power cleans. Should've gone heavier. Probably could've hit 165 maybe for the last round)
Press: 105-110-125(f)-120(f)-120! (left shoulder still isn't 100% I may have to go get it looked at)

I skipped the rowing since I hit it hard with the 500m to warm up and it was super late. Legs are sore. Good effort tonight.


Had another recruit in, CBK joined the fray and plans on joining the T-Th-Su rotation with Dr. Reid (after seeing Dr. Reid's guns). She brought along another friend who was in town and made her do the workout too (after not working in out for over a year - nice friend, huh?). Anyhow, I was caught off guard a bit so did the old standby of Fight Gone Bad. Used a 10# ball @ 8' for the wall balls, a 12" box for the jumps (16" for stepping up), 26# KB for the SDHP's, and a 35# push press. Dr. Reid did it as I scaled here. CBK and her friend scaled to 7.5# PVC for the PP and 16" step up. Great effort. CBK's friend stopped after 1 round, but that is totally okay given her hiatus from working out. Something tells me in no time she could get in great shape - great squats and incredible shoulder mobility.


Dr. Reid: 91-67-66 = 224
CBK: 83-85-82 = 250

So great effort by everyone! Dr. Reid last did this on 3/7/10:

12# wall ball, 8' target
20# SDHP
12" Box jump
20# push press

213 score. So nice improvement!


The old newbs were in as well. Day #2 of the on-ramp program.

10! Deadlifts and standing push press. Unelastigirl did 35# deadlifts from the ground while T-Way did 30# deads with bar resting on buckets. Both did 7.5# PVC push presses.

Unelastigirl - 8:13
T-way - 9:40

Good job! Best quote of the night - "Don't ever let yourself get out of shape!"

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