Sunday, April 11, 2010

04/11 WOD

Decided I needed to get on the bike - did my Spinerval DVD workout, the one rated at 7.5/10 on the effort scale. A lot of technique and high cadence work. Soon I'll be on the ones rated 9.5 and 9.9. Gotta ramp things up!

Okay, so the three amigos (Dr. Reid, CBK, and HEG) were in and we did a lovely WOD:

12 mins, AMRAP
10 back extensions/supermans
10 knee raises
10 OHS

Dr. Reid was on the GHD and did hanging knee raises. 15# OHS. 7 full rounds + 10 back extensions + 6 OHS
CBK did supermans and knee raises while sitting on a box. 7.5# OHS. 8 full rounds + 10 supermans + 10 knee raises.
HEG (High Energy Girl) did supermans and hanging knee raises. 7.5# OHS. 8 full rounds + 10 supermans + 10 OHS

Excellent work!

T-Way and my daughter were in the house too. Their WOD:

3 rounds
300m row
5 knee to elbows
10 push press

T-Way did knee raises while laying on the floor and did 7.5# PVC push press. 10:40
My daughter did 2 rounds, 200m row (she is not even 4' tall, so rowing is tough), hanging KTE's, and PP 15#. 6:32

Awesome job!!!

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