Wednesday, August 3, 2011

08/03 WOD

Perform the following tests:

L-sit for time.
Handstand walk for distance.
Chest to bar weighted pull-up for load.
Snatch 1 rep for load.

CrossFit Games Event 8

Complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
20 calorie Row
30 Wallball Shots, 20 pound ball
20 Toes to bar
30 Box jumps, 24" box
20 Sumo-deadlit high-pull, 108 pound kettlebell
30 Burpees
20 Shoulder to overhead, 135 pounds
120 foot Sled pull, sled plus 165 pounds

Okay got into the gym late, tired, and cranky. Perfect, let's do two WOD's then. Yes I'm an idiot. Oh well. Figured the skills one wouldn't kill me and the other was 3 minutes long. I'm not wasted but overall a fair amount of effort.

*L-sit - did it earlier in the day for :41 but this time only :32. I put two 45# bumper plates beneath my feet so that made me keep my legs higher. Might have let them dip some for that :41 time.
*Handstand walk - big fat zero. Practiced my handstands for several minutes.
*Chest to bar pullups - warmed up with 35# (2 pullups/2 chinups). Then did 45 - 55 - 60 (last two chinups)
*1RM snatch - warmed up 4@65#, 2@95#. 115 - 135F - 135 - 145F (so close on 145 - got under it but shoulders failed)

Okay for the AMRAP 3 minute WOD figured if I got through the wall balls I'd be happy. I didn't even bother to get my box jump box out. Happy that I made I through 15 toes to bar. Total reps 65

Warmup: 500 barefoot singleunders, shoulder mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (mods OHS@95#, shoulder press 10@95#, ring dips, strict pullups)

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