Monday, April 30, 2012

04/30 WODs

Press 3x5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)

Religion 2.1
Complete 5 rounds:
Squat Max Reps
7 Burpee Box Jumps 20"
*Use 225 lbs for this workout if your squat is under 315 lbs
*Use 275 lbs for this workout if your squat is between 315-400 lbs
*Use 315 lbs for this workout if your squat is over 400 lbs.
*You have a 20 min cap on this workout. This means once 20 minutes comes you are done.
Post total number of reps and time it took to complete

Since I have reset keeping the weights manageable.  Press weight is still low, but I was never great at the press so hoping to see some nice linear progression.  Used 97.5# and had no problem with the weight.  I did some DB delt raises in between press sets since the weight seemed pretty light.  Used 25# DB's for that.  3x10

For the DWOD no way was I using the 225# squat weight considering that I'm squatting with less than that for my strength days right now.  Did 75% of 225 = 167.5#

Squat reps:  8, 8, 8, 10, 10
Total time:  18:30

Warmup:  500 singleunders, shoulders/hips/leg mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (OHS@45#, ring dips, strict pullups)
Press warmup:  8@45#, 5@75#
Squat warmup:  8@95#, 8@135#

Saturday, April 28, 2012

04/28 WOD

15, 12, 9 reps of:
1 RT Arm DB Thruster - 50 lbs
1 LT Arm DB Thruster - 50 lbs
Strict Chin Ups

This is described as Fran's awkward sister.  Big volume, too heavy for me at this point.  Used 35# dumbbell instead.  Right arm was money.  Left arm was lame.  Need to work on that imbalance.  Strict chin ups got tiresome late into the WOD.  Broke them up after the first round.  Gassed.

Splits:  2:20/5:44/8:36

Warmup:  500 singleunders, shoulder/hip/leg mobility stuff, CFWUx1+ (OHS@45#, weighted dips@25#, GHD stuff x20, reverse hypers 2x10)

Friday, April 27, 2012

04/27 WOD

Power Clean 5x3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)

DWOD - skipped

Once again, feeling pretty weak.  Did 185# previously pretty easily.  Dropped the weight however and will slowly build back up.


Warmup:  20 power cleans@45#, 8@95#, 5@135#

Thursday, April 26, 2012

04/26 WODs

Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)
Bench 3x5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)

12, 9, 6, 3 for reps:
Push Press 185 lbs
Ring Dips

More squats in this cycle?  Yay.  Actually glad to do them, still feeling weak.  Need to get my strength back.  Bench felt good, but kept the weight much lighter as well.

Squats @190#
Bench @175#

Push press 185#???  Um, no.  Pathetic how weak I've become, scaled to 115#.  Even that got dodgy near the end.  This is definitely giving motivation to train hard.  Gotta get it back!


Warmup:  500 single unders, shoulder/hips/leg mobility stuff, CFWUx1+ (OHS@45#, 20x GHD work, ring dips, strict pullups)
Squat w/u: 10 air squats, 10 squats holding 10# plate, 10@45#, 8@95#, 5@135#
Bench w/u: 10@45#, 8@95#, 6@135#

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

04/24 WODs

Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lbs to last workout)
50 Evil Wheels

Complete 4 rounds for time:
10 One Arm DB Power Snatches (5RT/5LT) - 100 lbs
30 yard Sprint

Okay, day two from the long break and continue to keep the weight light.  And it continues to feel heavy.  Actually not bad on the deadlifts.  But I've definitely have regressed.  Oh well.  Keep moving forward...  I forgot to do the evil wheels after the deadlifts so I did them the on rest day with no warmup.  Gotta love those things... :(

Deadlifts @255#

Warmup: 500 single unders, shoulder/hips/leg mobility stuff, CFWUx1+ (OHS@45#, 20x GHD work, weighted dips@25#, strict pullups)
Deadlift w/u:  10@95#, 8@135#, 5@185#

I don't have any dumbbells heavier than 50#, so that's what I used.  Wasn't bad at all.  Next time I'll use my 70# kettlebell.  Was able to do everything unbroken.  This was a fast WOD.


Monday, April 23, 2012

04/23 WODs

Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)
Press 3x5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)

Complete 4-6 efforts 60 Yard Pro Long Shuttle

*Long Shuttle: From a starting line, a player runs 5 yards straigh ahead and back pedals to the starting line, then 10 yards and back, then 15 yards and back. They must bend down and touch the line at each 5, 10, 15 yard intervals. You end up with a total of 6 touches and 60 yards.

*Warm up as needed and you have 4-6 efforts to find your fastest pro long shuttle.

Okay, took probably too much time off - spring break and then work was crazy with travel and a really important meeting. Getting back into it now though and hope for some uninterrupted time so I can really focus on my fitness. Resetting weights to actually even less than when I started this. Going to work on building up more slowly.

Squats @185#
Presses @95#

Seemed to tweak my low back some on the squats. Felt super weak. Presses actually were much better, but I decided to keep it at the lower weight.

Shuttles were pretty fun actually, although running backwards on the street could easily result in disaster if I had gotten my feet tangled up. But I was happy with my effort!

17.11 - 18.15 (missed stop button twice) - 16.59 - 16.33 - 16.33 - 16.09

Warmup: 500 single unders, shoulder/hips/leg mobility stuff, CFWUx1+ (OHS@45#, 20x GHD work, ring dips, strict pullups)
Squat w/u: 10 air squats, 10 squats holding 10# plate, 10@45#, 8@95#, 5@135#
Press w/u: 10@45#, 5@65#
Shuttle w/u: couple of light shuttles, some achilles work

Monday, April 9, 2012

04/09 WODs

Press 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)

Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)

*Rest 5 minutes between efforts. During the rest complete the following:

1 20 yard Four Cone Drill - Right Side Start
1 20 yard Four Cone Drill - Left Side Start

Okay, back on schedule (well, will fall off schedule again due to spring break). Shoulder press is definitely a goat for me. I plan on doing some of the Starting Strength training to help with that (lot of weighted dips apparently). But in the meantime I'll keep moving forward as best as possible. Added 5# to last workout and got the weight up successfully. 105#

Squat felt good, kept better form and didn't fold so much at the waist. No knee pain either so that's good thing. 210# (back to where I started CFFB before I got sick).

Calves were still sore from the sprints but not so bad to where I couldn't do the cone drills. I didn't have 20 yards square so did 10 yards square twice. Pretty fun but surprisingly took my breath away. I'm still a far cry from where I've been. Back is uber sore so the spring break of a few days will be very nice.

Warmup: 450 singleunders, 50 doubleunders, shoulder/hip/leg mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (OHS@45#, ring dips, strict pullups); press - 8@45, 8@65; squats - 10 plate squats @10#, 10@45#, 8@95#, 5@135#, 5@185#

Sunday, April 8, 2012

04/08 WOD

Complete 8 rounds:

Sprint 200 meters

*Rest 3:1 (3:1 means however long it took you to sprint 200 meters times your rest by 3)

Okay, did this out of order but it worked out better timing wise. Ran late at night and pushed hard. Still not in great running shape and I was always aware of my achilles. I ran an out and back on the street - slight uphill on the way up and slight downhill on the way down. Should've warmed up the low back more as that tightened up some during the sprints. Definitely felt this one. Calves a bit sore afterwards. Head was throbbing too.

30.30 - 30.50 - 33.16 - 34.15 - 36.01 - 36.16 - 35.45 - 34.59

Warmup: 450 singleunders, 50 doubleunders, hip/leg mobility stuff, achilles work 3x10, couple of 50% or so runs of 200m

Saturday, April 7, 2012

04/07 WODs

Power Clean 5x3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)

Complete 5 rounds:

Max Rep Deadlifts 405 lbs
Max Rep Pull Ups

*Rest as needed between rounds

The normal DWOD was:

Complete 8 rounds
Sprint 200 meters
*Rest 3:1 (3:1 means however long it took you to sprint 200 meters times your rest by 3) Example 45 seconds: 2:15 seconds

I decided since I was a day behind to do the Saturday DWOD on Friday. Yikes, those deadlifts after power cleans = torched back. Probably wasn't the smartest thing, but didn't want anything heavy for Sunday since Monday will be a heavy day. Plan on doing the sprints on Sunday.

Power cleans did 185# and for most felt solid. Only when I got lazy or didn't focus did it get a little sloppy and had to arch the back to get under.

The deadlifts I decided 325# would be the target - 2X my bodyweight. Felt pretty heavy but I kept good form. Round 3 I took way too long of a break and seemed like my body cooled down. I made up for it on the last two rounds.

Rd 1 - 3, 12
Rd 2 - 3, 8
Rd 3 - 1, 8
Rd 4 - 3, 5
Rd 5 - 4, 4

My grip was fried too. Tough one.

Warmup: 450 singleunders, 50 doubleunders, shoulder/hip/leg mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (OHS@45#, ring dips); power cleans - 8@95, 5@135, 5@155; deadlifts - 5@245, 5@295

Friday, April 6, 2012

04/06 WODs

Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)
Bench 3x5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)

As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes:

5 DB Burpees - 40 lbs
10 Ball Slams - 40 lbs

Didn't we just do squats? Why yes, we did. Fine. Add 5#. Still nothing stellar but added 5# and felt solid. No knee twinge. So that is good. Good depth. 205#

Bench press I'm still decent at but definitely felt a bit heavier this time. Still regaining strength. 185# pretty solid.

For the DWOD I substituted 53# KB swings for the ball slams as it was late and my daughter is asleep above the gym. My little noise abatement program. I used 20# dumbbells as well on the burpees. Those sucked bad. Way to make something that sucks even worse!!! 6 rounds + 2 burpees

Warmup: 450 singleunders, 50 doubleunders, shoulder/hip/leg mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (OHS@45#, ring dips); squats - 10 air squats, 10@45, 8@95, 5@135, 5@185; bench press - 10@45, 8@115, 5@165; DWOD - KB swings 10@26, 10@35, 10@53

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

04/04 WODs

Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lbs to last workout)

Complete 7 rounds:

Max Rep Handstand Push Ups
15 Hollow Rocks

Okay getting back at it. Figured I'd be happy with meeting the deadlift number I did on 3/20 - 295#. Actually this time it felt a little bit better. So I'm happy wth that.

The handstand pushups I did okay on, but probably took too long of a break between as I needed to do some stuff in the house. First round was rough, muscles had cooled. Got better but then proceeded to drop off rapidly. Hollow rocks weren't too bad assuming I was doing them correctly... :)

HSPU - 6 - 7 - 4 - 4 - 5 - 2 - 3

Warmup: 450 singlunders, 30 doubleunders, shoulder/hip/leg mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (OHS@45#, ring dips, strict pullups); deadlift - 10@135, 5@185, 5@245

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

04/03 WODs

Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)
Press 3x5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)

Complete for time:

150 Push Ups

*Everytime you stop and rest with your chest on the ground this constitutes a penalty. If a penalty is counted, you must immediately sprint 40 yards. Once the penalty is completed continue with the push ups.

*You can rest in a pike position (the top of a push up) but once you can not do push ups any longer and need to rest on the ground, a penalty is counted and a 40 yard sprint must be completed.

Okay, sick as a dog for two weeks with some nasty sinus gunk. Lost weight, lost strength, lost fitness. Bummer because I was starting to feel pretty good about things. Oh well, basically am resetting.

Back squat @200# (felt that little twinge in my left knee again)
Shoulder press @100# (felt pretty easy)

DWOD: scaled to 100 pushups and subbed 10 double unders for sprints (raining). 9:12

Warmup: 500 singleunders, shoulder/hip/leg mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (OHS@45#, ring dips, strict pullups); Back squats - 10@95, 8@135, 5@185; Shoulder press - 10@45, 6@65