Saturday, November 19, 2011

11/19 WOD


Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael McGreevy, 30, of Portville, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28, 2005.

Took an extra rest day as my shoulder continues to be tender. This WOD looked good however since there was no shoulder stuff.

Fok more 800's yay. Oh and forget the rest in between lets throw in some major core stuff. I goofed on the first set of back extensions as I did hip extensions - man my hams were on fire. Then adjusted the GHD and that helped for sure. Still very tough. Ran on treadmill with slight incline. Unanchored abmat situps.


Slow, slow time. But continuing to lay the foundation. Just hope the shoulder feels better soon.

Warmup: 0.50 mile run on treadmill (6-7.5MPH)
C/D: 3x15 pushups for the shoulder rehab

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11/16 WOD

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
Rest 2 minutes

Oh joy, love the 800m intervals... Can't remember when I last did them but know they always suck. Had a target in mind but wasn't sure how the body would respond. Ran on the treadmill with a slight incline. Took too long to get that bad boy up to speed so that may have cost me a few seconds. Overall happy with the times. Just over a month back into CrossFit after that hiatus and I feel like I'm making good progress. Shoulders are still über tender so we'll see about tomorrow's snatch balance WOD.

2:59 - 3:09 - 3:24

Just dug up some old 800m times - May 2009:

2:43 - 3:01 - 3:14 - 3:03. About a 3 minute break between 800's. Out and back course on the street. Dang, those times were pretty good. Little bit to go to get back there.

Warmup: run 0.50 miles, 0.25@6MPH, 0.25@7.5MPH

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

11/15 WOD

Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Okay, shoulders still a bit tender from that chipper and then wall ball WOD. Was hoping to do well on this but figured I needed to be careful. Don't need any setbacks this early as I get reacquainted with CrossFit. Couldn't figure out the hand position very well either despite watching the demo video a few times. Just not sure how to find the sweet spot between front squat grip and full hand grip. The transition seemed odd and weak. So I went with the full hand grip. The video said that will reduce the amount you can lift but I just couldn't see any other way. Something to practice.


Did a bonus round because I thought I could get 185 up but the wrists and shoulders failed me. It was an easy front squat.

Warmup: 500 singleunders, shoulder mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (OHS@45#, strict pullups), shoulder press 10@45#, thrusters 3@95, 3@115

Sunday, November 13, 2011

11/13 WOD

21-15-9 reps for time of:
GHD Wall ball, 10 pound ball
Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball

Okay, couldn't setup the GHD to do this WOD properly and didn't have a 10# med ball. Plus I decided regular wall balls would be better for me. I used a 12# med ball on the GHD and launched to an 8' target. Ball stayed tight to my chest vs. overhead. Used 20# med ball to 10' target for wall balls. This was plenty for me. Still feeling that chipper from yesterday in my arms and shoulders.


Warmup: 500 singleunders, shoulder mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (OHS@45#, strict pullups)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

11/12 WOD

For time:
Row 500 meters
20 inch Box jump, 50 reps
Push-ups, 50 reps
Sit-ups, 50 reps
Jumping pull-ups, 50 reps
50 Back extension, 50 reps
Dips, 50 reps (did static bar dips not ring dips)
1.5 pood Turkish Get-up, 20 reps, alternating arms

Okay disappointed that I missed Murph yesterday but was exhausted. Asleep by 10:30pm which is very early for me. Figured I needed to go all in on this one because I missed it. Still felt tired even though I got plenty of sleep. Pace was okay, but nothing spectacular. Then the wheels came off at the TGU's. Started with 1pood but quit that after 4 of them. Finished with 26# kb. Took almost 12 minutes to do them. Just didn't have it. I need to start cleaning up the diet.


Warmup: 500 singleunders, shoulder mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (OHS@45#, ring dips)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11/09 WOD

Part 1)
3 Sets
Bench Press @ 30X1, 6-8 reps, rest 30 seconds
Tall Box Jumps, 6-8 reps, rest 90 seconds
Part 2)
For time:
21 Russian Kettlebell Swings (Eye Level – See under KB)
21 Goblet Squats
Farmer Carry to Tyler’s Garbage (w/ 2 kb’s or appropriate db)
15 Kettlebell Swings
15 Goblet Squats
Farmer Carry to Tyler’s Garbage
9 Kettlebell Swings
9 Goblet Squats
Farmer Carry to Tyler’s Garbage

Okay my final day at CrossFit 801. Really enjoyed my time there and the people were very cool. I hope to pay them a visit when I'm there in January. Had some fun today, messing around with box jumps. I successfully jumped up on 3 tractor tires stacked up - matched my best 56". Pretty stoked with that. They were impressed that a 44 year old could do that. :)

Bench press was good too - the tempo was down 3-2-1 and then explode up. I did 6 reps @215# on my final set. Happy with that. My box jumps were 8@38" which I could've done higher.

Okay onto the metcon... Dang hard. I used a 70# kb and carried two 75# dumbbells for the farmers walk. The worst however were the goblet squats. Those I think had the biggest impact on me. I was looking good for a 7 minute time but then faded. I'd like to blame the altitude but I'm sure it is mostly my lack of fitness (since I'm just getting back into CF). The coach was awesome, she kept pushing me and giving me the 3-2-1 whenever I took a break. Forearms sufficiently fried.


Warmup: very little, light bench press and some box jumps

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

11/08 WOD

7 rounds for time -
4 handstand push ups
6 reps, hang power snatch
24 double unders

Okay very cool my first workout at a CrossFit affiliate! CrossFit 801 in Utah. Referred a co-worker there so they said I could workout there while i was in town. Definitely a bit nervous, not used to working out with all these people around.

When I saw the WOD I thought, great handstand pushups... :(. 28 was going to be tough if not impossible at this time. I was confident with the hang power snatch and my double unders are slowly improving. Used 95# for the HPS's (rx'd was 115 - I think I could've done that). Double unders went pretty good. I actually did 5 rounds of handstand pushups unbroken. But faded hard on rounds 6 & 7 (took me longer to do the final two rounds than it did to do the first five rounds!). As a matter of fact I could only do negatives on the final round despite everyone cheering me on. Tried to do kipping handstand pushups but didn't know how to do them. Too bad really as I was on pace to beat the 6pm trainer. But 24 handstand pushups I'm happy with... :). HPS's all unbroken.


It sure was cool though sharing the pain with everyone. Pretty motivating when everyone is cheering you on to finish.

Warmup: 500m row, 2X of 7 inch worms, 7 kettlebell swings (1.5pood), 7 goblet squats with kettlebell, 21 singleunders

Sunday, November 6, 2011

11/06 WOD

For time:
Row 300 meters
95 pound Push press, 20 reps
Row 300 meters
95 pound Push press, 15 reps
Row 300 meters
95 pound Push press, 10 reps
Row 300 meters
95 pound Push press, 5 reps

This is pack scaling, rx'd is 135#. Shoulders and abs fried still from yesterday's WOD so this was going to be rough. Skipped ab stuff during warmup. Did some push press with light weight and went for it. Was hoping for sub-10 minutes but came up just short when I had to rest for about 10 seconds on the last set of push presses. So close.


Excited for a rest day and then even more excited as I'll be in Salt Lake City and I'll get an opportunity to train at CrossFit801 on Tuesday and Wednesday night. Excited but a bit nervous as I've never been to an affiliate before. Should be interesting... :)

Warmup: 500 singleunders, shoulder mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (OHS@45#, ring dips, no GHD work), push presses 10@45#

Saturday, November 5, 2011

11/05 WOD

For time:
25 GHD sit-ups
1 Muscle-up
20 GHD sit-ups
2 Muscle-ups
15 GHD sit-ups
3 Muscle-ups
10 GHD sit-ups
4 Muscle-ups
5 GHD sit-ups
5 Muscle-ups

Couldn't get to this one yesterday since family was in town. Knew this would be pretty tough since I haven't done this kind of GHD situp volume for quite some time. Also, can't remember when I did muscleups. Sure to be a FUN time... :(

Was hoping for under 10 minutes, but slowed considerably and muscleups got slower and slower. Oh well, got through it.


Warmup: 500 singleunders, shoulder mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (OHS@45#, ring dips)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

11/03 WOD

Seven rounds of:
35 Double-unders
1 Snatch

Make one snatch attempt per round

Jeeze more double-unders must know that I'm pretty bad at them right now. Oh well, as I tell my daughter the only way to get better at something is to practice. Lot of practice here with that volume. Was able to string some together but still not more than about 12. Making progress, think I need a slightly heavier rope than my uber light speed rope. And the snatch I'm not so hot at either. Did some warming up and decided that 115# was going to be my choice in weight. For the most part went up pretty easily, couple rounds a teeny bit shaky. So I probably could've gone a little heavier but I'll take that.

14:48, 805#

Warmup: 500 singleunders, shoulder mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (OHS@45#, ring dips), snatch balance 6@45#, 4@65#, 4@95#; snatch 3@95#, 2@115#
C/D: major butterfly kipping pullup practice

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11/01 WOD

Set a cone at 20 meters. Five rounds for time of:
185 pound barbell Overhead walk, 40 meters
30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
95 pound barbells Farmer carry, 40 meters

The barbells must be turned around the cone.

Okay after last night's bludgeoning, knew I was going to scale this one big time. Used the "Pack" scaling. Worked out outside in the backyard - wind was howling but there was some shelter for me. Didn't have 20m so did some calculations and walked back and for several times.

5 Rounds
Overhead walk 40m@95#
30 wallball shots @15#
50# dumbbell walk 40m

Pretty wiped. I strongly dislike wallball shots and these were rough. Couldn't even imagine what this WOD would feel like at rx.



Warmup: 500 singleunders, shoulders, CFWUx1 (OHS@45, ring dips)