Tuesday, March 13, 2012

03/13 WOD

Hang Power Clean 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
50 Evil Wheels

Death by Ball Slam
1 ball slam the first minute, two ball slams the second minute, three ball slams the third minute and so on...
*Use a 50 lbs ball slam, or as heavy as you have.

Had a number in my head for the hang power cleans. Thought I would start with that weight. Unfortunately it felt like an anchor so I backed things way off. Started to figure it out so jumped back up to that weight pretty quickly. Still couldn't get it. Lowered the weight, re-figured it back out and got it easily. So trying to remember that technique, I put the weight I had hoped on hitting and I got it this time! Sweet! Not a ton o' weight but I'm pleased.


Evil wheels still seem not easy and torched my arms more than my core. Took me 4:53 to do them and again broke them up into 30-10-10. Decided to not do the DWOD since I'm pretty torched and need the rest. A rest day couldn't have come at a better time.

Warmups: 500 singleunders, shoulder/hip/leg mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (OHS@45#, ring dips); HPC: 10@45#, 8@95#, 5@135#

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