Monday, May 3, 2010

04/22-04/28 WODs

Well, been super consumed with work and other stuff, so workouts have not been super consistent. Not good preparation for my "short" adventure race in two weeks... :(

I did mix in a few metconny types of WODs in addition to some sport specific stuff:

4/22 - 9.5/10 bike DVD tempo/TT effort
4/24 - 5+ miles on the kayak
4/25 - repeat of an old WOD from the main page, 4x (400m run + 50 squats). I did pretty well on this compared to the last I did this (5/20 - 14:36). This time 12:13 (6:18 on the running - 6 seconds slower and 5:55 on the squats).
4/27 - in Hartford on business, did the 50-40-30-20-10 double under and situps WOD. Anchored situps. 10:45
4/28 - did 100 burpees for time, 7:38

TWay has been doing a super job, staying consistent and getting into the gym and putting in some good effort. And the food is improving too! Already seeing some significant gains (or losses). I've lost track of all the workouts but will try to get those up and running again in May. Unelastigirl has moved out of the area so she likely won't be training with us anymore but she has learned a lot and hopefully will continue with her efforts.

Dr. Reid and CBK are still at it although they took a week off from CF due to Dr. Reid's travel and my travel. They did 50 burpees for time last night and put in some good effort - 4:51 for CBK and 5:25 for Dr. Reid. I did tell them though that technically none of the burpees would've counted since they didn't do chest to ground. But they still worked hard. Knee pushup scaling.

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