Tuesday, May 31, 2011

04/24-05/31 WODs

Okay, going to do one massive post for all the workouts I did prior to the adventure race, and then the little bit afterwards.


6 mile hike + a beastly hillclimb straight up 8 minutes

05/29 WOD
CFWUx3 (mods: OHS@45# rds 1-2, rd 3@65#, ring dips, shoulder press 10@45#)
Warmup: 500 barefoot single unders, shoulder mobility stuff

05/27 WOD
CFWUx3 (mods: OHS@45#, ring dips), shoulder press 2x10@45#


Spinerval 9.5 workout, correct gearing
Warmup: 500 barefoot single unders, shoulder mobility stuff, CFWUx2 (mods: OHS@45#, ring dips), shoulder press 2x10@45#

05/09 - Softball

05/07 - Kayak 2.5 hours (2 of those hours chauffeuring people)

05/05 - 1 hour treadmill (traveling), LSD, 6 miles

05/04 WOD


That was ugly. OHS is I think a good lift for me. Did all OHS's unbroken except for the 15 round made 13... Burpees killed me.

Warmup: 500 barefoot single unders, shoulder mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (mods: OHS@45#, ring dips)

05/03 - 20 minutes moving boulders with neighbor...

05/02 - Spinerval 9.5 workout (5 of 7 intervals); softball later that night

04/30 WODs

1:15 MTB ride up Finley Road and back

WOD #2 (3+ hours later)

Chest to bar pullups
Ring pushups
Front squats @135#


Warmup: 500 single unders, shoulder mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (mods: OHS@45#, ring dips), front squats 8@45#, 6@95#, 4@115#

04/28 - Spinerval 9.5 workout (warmup 10 mins spinning on bike)

04/27 WODs

Run 5K

Ran on treadmill hilly course (cross country #3, program 5)


C/D: walk 0.27 miles

WOD #2
5x5 Good Mornings (2 mins rest between sets)
5x3 Power Snatch (2 mins rest between sets)
5-10 mins rest
50 Burpees, 50 Pullups

Good morning weights: 85 - 90 - 95 - 100 - 110
Power snatch weights: 95F - 95 - 95F - 95 - 100
Broke the burpees and pullups into sets of 10 (10 burpees then 10 pullups, repeated five times)


Warmup: 500 barefoot single unders, shoulder mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (mods: OHS@45#, ring dips); good mornings 8@45#, 5@65#; power snatches 8@weighted PVC bar, 6@45#, 4@65#

04/26 WODs
CrossFit Total
1 rep max, 3 attempts
Back Squat
Shoulder Press

Been ages, haven't lifted heavy for some time...

Backsquat: 245 - 260 - 270F
Shoulder Press: 115 - 125 - 135
Deadlift: 292 - 312 - 332

Total: 727

Not bad, but pretty far away from my previous PR set just prior to my neck injury in January (16th):

300# BS, 135# SP, 385# DL = 820# total

BS - 275, 285, 300
SP - 115, 125, 135
DL - 345, 365, 385

WOD #2 - Spinerval 7.5 workout

04/25 - Softball

04/24 WODs
5 Thrusters @135# on the minute for 10 minutes
10 minutes rest
100 pushups for time

Scaled thrusters to 105#. Got them all in. Pushups took 6:38

Warmup: 500 single unders, shoulder mobility stuff, CFWUx1 (mods: OHS@45#, ring dips), thrusters: 10@45#, 8@65#, 5@95#

Rested 5 minutes

WOD #2

Run 5K

1% incline on treadmill. 23:40

C/D: 0.25 mile walk

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