Sunday, March 7, 2010

03/07 - Neighborhood Duathlon

Alrighty - a few of us decided to do our own mini-competition - a duathlon was the choice. 2 mile run, 15.5 mile bike, 2 mile run. Would be a good fun competition. Varying levels of fitness, one guy has done a couple of Ironman Tri's but is focusing on ultra marathon stuff this year. The other guy was a more traditional gym rat, using old school body part methods but also runs a decent amount. And then there was me, doing CF for almost a year now, and CFE for just over a month. Would be an interesting measuring stick.

Unfortunately the Ironman bailed out, so it was me and Bicep Curl Boy. Decided, we'll just do this together since the transition area was my closed garage. The opening run was at a pretty leisurely pace 7:52 mile pace. Then we hopped on the bike. BCG was doing pretty good. But at some point I dropped him. At the bottom of the downhill section (Highland/Manning) I waited about 45 seconds and then he showed up. Then we're off again into an ugly headwind on Manning. I put probably 1:30 on him to where I stopped (Highland/Tassajara). He was cramping up and said to finish strong. Probably another 45-60 seconds on him to home. Total ride time was 52 and change, I probably would've hit sub 50 minutes had I not stopped. Then the last 2 mile run - two words: UG LY. I started out with both legs cramping in multiple spots - calves and upper hammies (those dayamn GHR's reared their ugly heads). The cramps never got to leg lock level so I was able to run it out. Once those were gone I was feeling pretty good so ramped it up. Probably could've gone a teeny bit faster, but was happy to see I finished at a 7:31 pace. Not too shabby. BCG finished about 30 seconds behind me.

Total time with breaks and transitions - 1:26:39. I'm thinking I could probably do sub 1:20 if I tried hard enough (sub-7 mile first run and faster transitions). Cycling still behind running, but this was a good effort.

Dr. Reid was in after a weekend of getting smashed. No rest for the weary. Fight Gone Bad baby! Burn off some of those toxins. Scaled to:

12# wall ball, 8' target
20# SDHP
12" Box jump
20# push press

She did well considering her condition. Classic start strong, struggle middle round, and then kick it up a notch with the end in sight:

70-69-74 = 213

Great effort, kept pukie at bay, and some toxins burned away. Nice job!

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