Sunday, January 30, 2011

01/30 WOD

Run 5K

Trying to keep some measure of fitness, didn't feel like pushing myself into the discomfort zone since I'm already there with the shoulder. So ran a very comfortable pace.


Warmup: none
C/D: 0.25m walk

Friday, January 28, 2011

01/28 WOD

Ride stationary bike 30 minutes

Shoulder still sucks - I'm starting to get worried a bit. Nothing seems to be helping. Perhaps the other anti-inflammatory will work. Decided that I could do some core stuff too so did 3x20 GHD sit-ups and back extensions. Dang. Oh and sitting on the saddle on day 2 was interesting...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

01/27 WOD

Ride stationary bike 30 minutes

Yawn fest but shoulder is still sucky. Actually felt good to spin - legs are not bike ready. This injury might be a blessing in disguise as I need to start training for some endurance.

Monday, January 24, 2011

01/24 WOD

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
Rest 2 minutes

Well, my shoulder is really effed up - waking me up at night, can't get comfortable, have pain through much of the day. This sucks. Two weeks of rest with big ol' anti-inflammatories is my penance. Doing all those WODs after tweaking my shoulder clearly wasn't the smartest thing to do. Will be setting up the stationary bike and hitting the treadmill for awhile... Oh and maybe some quality time on the GHD...

Figured I could do this one. Taking a week off certainly didn't help and my running is pretty weak right now. I'm okay with my times but need to get better.

3:07 - 3:29 - 3:56

Warmup: 500 jump rope, shoulder rehab stuff, CFWUx1 (mods - OHS@45#, pushups), run 0.5m
C/D: walked for a bit

Sunday, January 16, 2011

01/16 WOD

"CrossFit Total"

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Nagging shoulder just about convinced me to skip this. Disappointed because I've been feeling pretty strong lately. Took a long time to warmup to make the shoulder feel tolerable. Decided I was going for it. Glad I did. Previous PR (3/4/10):

270# BS, 125# SP, 360# DL = 755# total

This time? Hell yeah!!!

300# BS, 135# SP, 385# DL = 820# total

BS - 275, 285, 300
SP - 115, 125, 135
DL - 345, 365, 385

Crushed my PR by 65 pounds! Woohoo!!! I did cheat a teeny bit on that deadlift number though - on my third attempt, I almost had it but couldn't get it. So I strapped on a belt and tried again (4th attempt). So close but no again. I was not to be denied - 5th attempt was good! So technically yes I didn't get 385# in the allotted reps but I don't care. Previous DL PR = 374#

Shoulder press was dicey - wonder what I could've done with a good left shoulder. But was happy I got a PR - previous was 133. Hey, 2 pounds I'll take it (especially considering the shoulder). Damn muscle-up WOD!

Back squat felt good, lost some form and kind of crunched down (lost the strong core). But was plenty deep in the hole so very excited by this. Previous PR was 270. Big improvement!

Warmup: 500 barefoot jump rope, shoulder mobility stuff, 1x10 shoulder press@45#, CFWUx1 (OHS@45#, ring dips)
Back squat: 5@45#, 95#, 135#, 3@185#, 3@225#, 1@265#
Shoulder press: 10@65#, 5@95, 3@105
Deadlift: 5@135#, 185#, 225#, 3@275#, 1@325#

Saturday, January 15, 2011

01/15 WOD


21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Crap, figures we'd do this after I tweak my shoulder from muscle-ups. Wasn't even sure if I could do it. Warmed up and felt okay - once things got heated up felt like I could manage it. Watched my form very closely on the ring dips. Previous PR 13:07 on 10/12/09. Set a new PR tonight at 11:47! Woohoo! Still slow but faster than I've done and I didn't feel completely torched after it (I was hurting but not fetal position for 30 minutes hurting). So I'm pleased with that. We'll see how the shoulder responds...

Warmup: 500 barefoot jump rope, lots of shoulder mobility stuff, 1x10 shoulder press @45#, CFWUx1 (mods 45# OHS, 5 pushups, 5 ring dips)
C/D: 1x10 shoulder press @45#

Thursday, January 13, 2011

01/13 WOD

Five rounds of:
20 GHD Sit-ups
5 Push jerk

Well my left shoulder is somewhat jacked up since the muscle-up WOD I did recently (not to mention all the other shoulder stuff in that wod too). After warming up, I almost decided to skip this as it was tough to even get up 95# on the push jerks. But I really wanted to do this and kept putting more weight on. Finally settled in at 135# and figured that was enough. The descent was what hurt the most - well, the blast of the chin with the barbell in round 3 didn't feel so good either. But I got through it. I'm certain I could've gone heavier had my shoulder not been bothering me. But it is what it is. Thankfully a rest day is here. Full GHD sit-ups.


Warmup: 500 jump rope, shoulder mobility stuff, 1x10 shoulder press@45#, CFWUx1 (mods - pushups and no OHS), PJ - 1x10@45#, 95#; 1x5@115#
C/D: 10 pullups, 10 OHS@45#

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

01/12 WOD

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
Row 250 meters
25 Push-ups

Well the shoulder is feeling a bit balky after all that shoulder work yesterday. Made the pushups loads o' fun... :( Wasn't too excited about this but managed to push through it.

5 rounds + 250m row + 8 pushups

Again, nothing special, shoulders really love me right about now.

Warmup: 250m row, 10 pushups, shoulder mobility stuff, 10 pullups
C/D: 1x10 shoulder press@45#

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

01/11 WOD

Three rounds for time of:
6 Muscle-ups
30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
12 Handstand push-ups
135 pound Power clean, 15 reps

Let's see - I'm okay at muscle-ups (but haven't done them in awhile), I suck at wallballs, I suck at handstand pushups, and I'm okay at the power clean. This wasn't going to be good. So I decided to scale:

Three rounds for time of

3 Muscle-ups
20 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
9 Handstand push-ups
135 pound Power clean, 12 reps

Okay so everything the same except less volume. Forgot how much muscle-ups torque on my shoulders - and then add wallballs and handstand pushups for good measure. Actually, the wallballs felt decent - I guess all my shoulder press work helped there some. The handstand pushups were suspect as I did them against my barbell on the squat rack in the highest position. Definitely some leg pull assistance. Did hang power cleans - kinda wish I had done standard power cleans - might have been easier actually.


So nothing special and I probably would've added at least 10 minutes to this time had I tried it rx'd.

Warmup: (in VFF's) 500 jump rope, shoulder mobility stuff, 1x10 shoulder press@45#, CFWUx1 (mods - OHS@45#, ring dips), 5 wallballs, 5 hang power cleans at 95#

Sunday, January 9, 2011

01/09 WOD

Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Okay, cool, love the 1RM WODs (well except maybe for the deadlifts which I know are going to torch me big time). Have done this before with some decent numbers. My PR was 90# (92.5# chin-up style). Last time I did this however didn't hit 90#. Was hoping to hit that 100# mark this time. And I did just that - and even surpassed it!!!

71 - 81 - 86 - 93 - 98 - 103 - 107.5 (one hand grip reversed)

Was irritated that I switched my grip and decided that I needed to try it in pull-up position. Did it two more times as I wasn't sure if I got the chin over the bar. Video pretty much confirmed I did. So did two bonus rounds! Sweet! Also, for all but the last two rounds, did 1x10 shoulder press @45# (working on that overhead stuff - should start increasing the weight some). So very happy about this! Oh and bodyweight 167# dressed in workout clothes.

Warmup: (in VFF's) 500 jump rope, shoulder mobility stuff, shoulder press 1x10@45#, CFWUx1 (mods - OHS@45#, ring dips)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

01/08 WOD

Five rounds for time of:
10 Wall climbs
10 Toes to bar
20 Box jumps, 24" box

For the wall climbs, start with your toes and chest on the deck, walk your feet up the wall until your chest touches the wall, and then descend back to the original position.

Well, seeing Chris Spealler say, "this is going to get spicy quick" should've been the first warning. Seeing a Facebook CF friend's time was warning #2 (he's in much better shape than I). Third warning? Just about every CF workout will hurt. This was no exception. Yes, things got spicy very quickly. No way I was going to finish 5 rounds. As a matter of fact decided to faceplant at some point in round 3 and the flooring didn't taste good. I was not going to have any more of that. So I stopped after 3 rounds. Otherwise I might've been out there for an hour at the rate I was doing the wall climbs.


Warmup: 500 jump rope, shoulder mobility stuff, 1x10 shoulder press @45#, CFWUx1 (mods - OHS@45#, ring dips)

Friday, January 7, 2011

01/07 WOD


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
225 pound Deadlift, 6 reps
7 Burpee pull-ups
10 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
Run 200 meters

No better way to get the metcon fitness back than by doing metcons. Just love 20 minute amraps... Sure. Kept the expectations low for this one. Did it rx'd and felt pretty good. Low back was screaming at me afterwards. Running was slow. Everything unbroken until my last round where I had to do two sets for the deadlifts. 2 pood kettlebell swings suck!

5 rounds + 6 deadlifts + 7 burpee pullups

I was pleased with that... Should've pushed myself harder on the running.

Warmup: jump rope 500 singleunders, shoulder mobility stuff, shoulder press 1x10@45#, CFWUx1 (mods 45# OHS, ring dips), deadlifts 1x10 @135#, 185#, kbs 1x10@35#, 53#, run 200m
C/D: 200m walk

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

01/05 WOD


Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster

Oh dear Fran this early after suffering mightily just two days ago. Expectations were super low. My PR is 4:53 (4/8/10). However, last time I did it on 9/19/10 I came in at 6:11 (due to the lost summer of virtually no training). Had a pretty good warmup but still wasn't sure what to expect (other than pain). Hit it as hard as I could:


Yes! Back into the 5 minute range. Killed the round of 21 by finishing in 1:39 but then took over 4 minutes to do the last 24... :( Lots of broken reps. Arms were torched. And as usual this left me gasping for some major air. I passed out on the couch afterwards.

Goal - sub-4 minute in 2011.

Warmup: 500 jump rope, 1x10 shoulder press@45#, CFWUx1 (mods: OHS@45#, ring dips), 1x10 thrusters @45, 65#

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

01/04 WOD

Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Thank goodness - a non-metcon day. Legs and upper back were sore from yesterday's wod, but at least I wasn't going to feel like puking during this one. My one rep max front squat is 251. Pretty happy with what I did:

225 - 230 - 235 - 235 (re-racked each rep) - 225

That 4th round was so hard and my form was suffering big time. Kept the break as short as possible, maybe 15 seconds. And first front squatting in VFF's (everything in VFF's)...

Warmup: 500 jump rope, CFWUx1 (mods OHS@45#, ring dips), 2x10 shoulder press@45#, front squats - 5@45#, 95#, 135#, 3@185#

Monday, January 3, 2011

01/03 WOD

3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Overhead squats, 75 pounds
21 Pull-ups

Okay, forget this being so far behind. Fast forwarding and following the main page again. Too easy to take time off.

Didn't do much over the holidays, and really have been sporadic with the workouts in December. Ate all kinds of crap so energy level was way down. But now back to it. Nothing like some CrossFit to kick your butt back into reality.

This one looked okay on paper, but as usual, it wasn't. As a matter of fact it crushed me good and let me know 10 days off and bad eating isn't a good thing. I had to do some walking in the final 400m. Did everything in the VFF's.


Warmup: 500 jump rope, shoulder mobility stuff, CFWUx2 (mods - OHS@45#, ring dips, 5 pullups total), 2x10 shoulder press@45#, 400m run